99 IDEAS.net

99 IDEAS.net
Client Stories
Plans, Goals, Solutions
Business & Technology
Tips to Use Today
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Consulting | Project Communication | Documentation |

Knowledge Management | Training |

Use the 99 IDEAS.net team to focus on the best attributes of your idea, define the critical concepts, identify the influential players, and implement your finished product.

Use our set of best practices to accelerate new ways to conduct business. We can join your team at any point in your application life-cycle to refine your goals, delineate plans, define easy-to-measure incremental tasks, and reach the people who matter so that everyone involved understands what you want to accomplish!

Our consulting team shares its roots with ConnectionS, our business and marketing communications partner launched in 1972. Our industry and technology practice follows the same classic strategies to develop unique, effective and budget-conscious solutions for information development and management.

Project Communication
Achieve stronger buy-in from your technology and business partners. Engage your stakeholders, staff and customers. Demonstrate the value of their contributions and show them the benefits that teamwork delivers to the completed project.
l  Business case development l  Customer and user communication
l  Goal-oriented communication plans l  Design review presentations
l  Recommendations and reports l  System and application roll-outs 
l  Collaboration and problem solving l  Engaging and helpful intranets  

Establish an innovative environment that allows your creative developers to find clean, practical solutions. Organize documentation and keep documents up to date with our simple methods.
l  Project requirements, issues and solutions l  Administration and maintenance manuals
l  Software and database documentation l  Problem Resolution and Service Desk intranets
l  Build instructions l  Workflow instructions and procedures 
l  User manuals l  Customer Service scripts 

Knowledge Management
One client called our service "...the Red Adair of Knowledge Management."  We harness the burning well of business information, channel it, and store it so that information helps you instead of consuming your resources. Set a value on company knowledge: develop a practical method for continuous knowledge building and apply what you have learned to make new ventures go faster and smoother.
l  Information inventory and planning l  Effective business processes
l  Project knowledge transfer l  Data retention plans
l  Continuous improvement programs l  System and facility security plans
l  Meeting and collaboration sites l  File directories and databases

Point your operations in the direction you want to go. Teach company values, consistent methods and increased expertise to strengthen employee and customer loyalty.
l  Custom training programs l  Training booklets, guides, help files
l  Company values programs l  Video and Webcast production
l  Policies for business, service, operations l  CBT and intranet content
l  Employee safety programs

99 IDEAS.net delivers technical analysis, reports, planning, procedures, training, and employee
communication throughout the western United States.

Add value to your next project. Call us at 800-99 IDEAS or email now

Copyright 2008 99 IDEAS